Saturday, May 06, 2006

May 13th - Tiki Mojo Makeout Hideaway Pot-luck Chowdown

Yes Kids, Saturday May 13th - you and your funky butt - bring 'm down to the Tiki Mojo Makeout Hideaway around 3pm - 8pm. You need fun - and that's what we've got. It's a potluck, so please bring food and drink to share. Prepare for slack! 6641 SE Knight St, Portland OREGON.

Questions? Call the Mojo Man 503.754.1347

Take it from this man:

"Yebba yebba hey battah battah battah!"

"I used to surf all day, but now I'm pretty sure I'm the Easter Bunny!"

-- Benny X., hairdresser to the stars

Tiki Bar TV!

Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting Tiki Bar TV! A video pod cast with octane. Also, far better than Frazier. If you have iTunes on your Internet Access device you can subscribe and get Tiki Bar TV automagically! And if you press the right little button in the iTunes window Tiki Bar TV will play full screen!

click here to hop to
