Sunday, December 11, 2005

Hawaiian king's time capsule found, but will stay buried

Buried by Hawaiian King Kamehameha V. in 1872 in the cornerstone of the Aliiolani Hale.

It contains photos of royal families, Hawaiian postage stamps, the Hawaiian Kingdom constitution, 21 Hawaiian and foreign coins, 11 different local newspapers, a calendar and books, such as a Hawaiian language dictionary.

However, now that it's been found, it can't be dug up without destroying the history building.

Get the whole story here.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Camilla Pagilia on Disco

Break out those LP's! CP tells us how it is!

"I described disco as "a dark, grand Dionysian music with roots in African

"...disco for me is a lofty metaphysical mode that induces
contemplation... Disco at its best is a neurological event, a shamanistic
vehicle of space-time travel."

and Camillia Paglia's disco playlist: