Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Howdy kids!

Sorry for the late post, the town is doing some electrical upgrades & we were down from sun nite thru monday evening.

Saturday we went to Tulum and Cobá. Turns out I brought the wrong cable to transfer stills off my miniDV camera, so you'll have to wait for our pix (or google Tulum and Coba). Is it cool? It's pretty frickin' astoundingly cool. They figure some 60,000 people lived in Coba before a long drought wiped it out.

Two clues for you: go to Tulum as early as possible. It's swarmed with turistas. At Coba, take the rickshaw back to the entrance. It was fun.

Mexican buses are very nice and very cheap. I dunno what's wrong with Greyhound, Mexican buses are nicer, and a three hour round trip cost us about $30 for 4 people.

Playa de carmen is too crowded and developed for us. what a pleasure it was to return to this little quiet town.

Sunday we spent sleeping, eating and reading.

Today our rental car came. It's mucho tiny, some Ford that they don't sell in pale northern states. Shortly we're packing up and heading out to see "Croco-Cun" a nature preserve where they raise crocs for release into the wild. Meighan says it's much divertito!


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